A boda boda rider suspected to have transported the assassin who killed Sheikh Masuudi Mutumba on Friday night has been arrested and detained at Bugiri central police station.
Pamela Ajilong, the Busoga East regional CID who addressed journalists at their Iganga based regional headquarters on Monday evening says the rider is alleged to have transported the shooter from the crime scene under the cover of darkness.
Ajilong says the rider had escaped from Busimba village, Iwemba sub-county, Bugiri district using motor cycle UER 521F.
She assures the general public that investigators are following vital leads and soon the prime suspects will be arrested and prosecuted in courts of law.
She narrates that the boda boda rider was first sighted in the trading centre pretending to help in trailing the assailant. “However, on reaching Kapyang trading centre, the boda boda rider instead offered a lift to the fugitive. They sped off in the direction of Kibimba trading centre,” she says.
Ajilong adds that residents staying along the route testify that they saw the boda boda rider stop by a saloon car (Ipsum) which whisked away the assassin to an unknown destination.
Salim Kisadha, a resident of Busimba reveals that the deceased was embroiled in a land-related standoff that had dragged on for some time. “Actually some of the suspects in police custody are family members. It seems they sought for a quick solution by hiring services of an assassin,” he says.

The News Editor ,Reporter at Kagadi Kibaale community Radio