UNODC Legal Aid Project Launched in Kagadi to Combat Crime

By James Muhumuza

Kagadi district officials along side LASPNET Officials during Lunching exercise

The Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET) has initiated a transformative legal aid project titled the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Kagadi district aimed at enhancing access to justice and combating crime.

The project was officially launched this afternoon at the Kagadi district council hall in Kagadi town council by the Kagadi Resident District Commissioner (RDC), Lillian Rutereha.

UNODC, renowned globally for its efforts against illicit drugs and international crime, is spearheading this initiative in partnership with the Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET).

The project aims to bolster court administration, increase access to legal aid services for vulnerable groups, and prevent crime among youth, among other objectives.

Dr. Sylvia Namubiru the Executive Director of LASPNET, noted that the new Project is rolledout across 20 districts in Uganda, including Kakumiro, Kibaale, and now Kagadi.

The five-year project, which commenced in 2022 and runs through 2027, seeks to address systemic challenges in the justice system.


Speaking at the launch, RDC Lillian Rutereha emphasized the importance of integrity in project implementation.

She cautioned against corruption that could undermine its impact.

Ndibwami B Yosia, the Kagadi District Lc5 Chairperson, welcomed the initiative.

He highlighted its potential to provide crucial legal support to prisoners who previously lacked access to legal representation due to its provision of free legal services.

Following the launch, project implementers donated 12 bicycles and 12 riding jackets to aid in logistical support for district agents tasked with project implementation.

The project will continue its launch in Hoima tomorrow before proceeding to Masindi and other identified districts.

It joins existing legal service providers in the region, including World Voices Uganda.

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