Amuru police are holding Stephen Olibio, an Inspector with Rock Bus Company and resident of Bibia for attacking and injuring a soldier.
He is accused of stabbing Private Alex Niwanyima, the escort of Amuru Resident District Commissioner-RDC, Linda Agnes Auma while enforcing the curfew on April 9th, 2020.
It is alleged that Olibio used a sharp object to pierce Niwanyima`s left eye in Elegu Town Council.
Patrick Jimmy Okema, the Aswa River Region Police Spokesperson told URN on Saturday that preliminary information shows that while returning from a security meeting in Elegu, the RDC found three shops open in disregard of the curfew announced by president, Yoweri Museveni.
The RDC directed Niwanyima to ask the shop keepers to close, which they did. He was reportedly attacked by the accused who seated on the verandah while returning to the RDC`s vehicle.
Okema says the suspect was arrested on Friday evening and is being held at Elegu Police Station on charges of attempted murder vide CRB 049/2020.
Ezekiel Emitu, the Aswa River Region Police Commander, says security officers enforcing presidential guidelines on the prevention of the corona virus disease have become victims at the hands of the public.
Brigadier General, Bonny Bamwiseki, the commander of the Fourth Division has urged security personnel to remain professional and handle the public calmly.
Recently, president, Yoweri Museveni declared a curfew starting 7:00 pm to 6am in the morning as part of the measures to prevent the spread of Covid19. .
The News Editor ,Reporter at Kagadi Kibaale community Radio