Kagadi top leaders to start online declaration of their Assets

Kagadi District Political top and appointed leaders are set to start using online declaration system of their assets and liabilities effective next year in March changing from ordinarily system of manual. 

This was uttered by Annet Twine the head of Declaration of Assets and Liability from the office of the IGG yesterday evening during an interview with our reporter shortly after the training with the stakeholders.

The one day training which was organized by the office of IGG was held yesterday at Kagadi District Council Hall in Kagadi Town Council Kagadi District.

Annet says, the system was introduced in Uganda in 2017 and is being implemented in phases countrywide.

She says the governments decided to implement E-Declaration system majorly to solve the challenges that have been faced by the office of IGG to make proper approval of accounts using the manual system due to overcrowdings and long distances by the district officials.

She however, called upon the participants to embrace the initiative for smooth learning of the new implementation.

Speaking to KKCR FM Shortly after the training participants said that, the system is going to reduce on the costs and hindrances they have been facing while using the old system to declare their assets and liabilities.

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Abitegeka Gerald

The News Editor ,Reporter at Kagadi Kibaale community Radio

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